Ribbon FAQ

what are ribbons?
Ribbons are a tradition at some conventions and are a great collectible memory and social activity for attendees. Ribbons are a great way to interact with each other, especially with others who share similar fandoms!
Ribbons attach to your badge and can feature a variety of things from funny jokes, memes, fandoms, or just awesome designs!
Check out this video on the collection of ribbons attendees can achieve!
Anyone can have ribbons!
Examples of Tasks for Ribbons
How do I get Ribbons?
Ribbon Bulletin Board for UWU Con!
Anyone can have ribbons!
Attendees can make their own ribbons and trade with other attendees or vendors! Ribbons can be handed out or be a reward for fun tasks! This is a great way to make connections with other attendees!
Vendors can make ribbons to encourage interaction with their booth! They can be purchase based or task based or both!
Examples of Tasks for Ribbons
*DISCLAIMER: tasks should NOT force anyone to do anything illegal or questionable, and should NOT be anything that is racist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive.
Trivia questions
Drawing something
Doing an iconic pose/dance
Doing an impression of a character
Tell a joke
Play a game/challenge (flip bottle)
Name favorite character from fandom
Trade ribbon for a ribbon
How do I get Ribbons?
You can purchase them from popular ribbon vendors!
You can hand make them! Check out this tutorial!
Ribbon Bulletin Board
Ribbon Bulletin Board Form is CLOSED for 2024, keep an eye for UwU Con 2025!
Have ribbons that you want to post on the Ribbon Bulletin Board so they can be found? Fill out this google forms link and we will make sure it gets on the board! Feel free to add to the board during the event as well!